Recently an online auction was held, which was the most advertised and talked about auction in Indian Auto market. This most talked about and advertised auction for Volkswagen Passat sedan which was signed by T20 team members.

This car was auctioned at a enormous and astronomic price of Rs 30 lakh. The grounds behind such a high price of this car is that it was autographed by the T20 cricket teams. The auction held so far is a charity auction and the money made from this car is donated to an organization whose goal is to prevent nature and wildlife further abbreviated as WWF.

Mr. Saidas Malladi, a cricket fanatic from the IT city, Bengaluru purchased this car Volkswagen Passat. Furthermore he was awarded with a cricket bat, autographed by captains of all T20 cricket teams. On May 10th 2011 the action get ends as it lasts for a duration of 10 days. Other charities such as Coaching Camp with the little master (Sachin Tendulkar) and Lunch with Mr. Amitabh Bachchan are outshined with this Volkswagen car charity which literally makes Volkswagen India much excited and pretty enthusiastic about the auction.

Coaching Camp with the little master (Sachin Tendulkar) action got a bid of Rs 10.02 lakh and Lunch with Mr. Amitabh Bachchan is auctioned at Rs 14.02 lakhs. Among all the charity actions held so far for the cars in previous three years 2009,2010 and 2011 this auction of Volkswagen Passat car is the most unique and priced auction.