Epic Web Browser is a product of Mozilla. This web browser is the first ever web browser for India. Epic Web Browser is the world’s first antivirus web browser. Epic browser is the web browser for India.It includes number of features lets discuss about it.
Epic Browser is the first ever browser in the world which is having in built Anti-Virus. Built anti virus software scans the pages before it is brought to you so that you get secured data. Along with this they claim that The Epic Browser provides you faster browsing and faster downloading.

Features of Epic Web Browser
- In-built Antivirus :- Epic browser have in-built antivirus. It is the world’s first web browser with anti browser. It scans all the download files automatically. Even it scans your system also. This antivirus can delete all the viruses from your system also. It have the feature
- Ad blocker :- Epic browser have a feature of ad-blocker, anti-malware and anti-spyware. It protects your computer from the viruses and malicious sites.
This browser warns you if you are about to visit a viruses or malware web site. This feature is pretty good because now day’s hosted web sites have been growing like mushrooms. It also protects you from phishing sites too.
- Word Processing :- Epic browser have a feature of word processing. Now you can create your own word document with the help of epic browser. You don’t need separate word processing software.
It provide backup facility so that you can to get the backup of your documents from the computer to your Mail with help of the file manager interface the user can upload and download the files/folders.

Themes :- Epic browser contains 1500 plus themes for epic browser. You can change the themes according to your requirement.
Language supports :- Epic Browser supports 10 Indian languages. Now you can write in any language. This web browser supports 10 Indian languages which helps you to write in your regional language.
In-built Widgets: - Epic browser have many in-built widgets. Now you can surf the websites very easily. This browser have many widgets like twitter, in.com, gmail, orkut, facebook, bookmyshow.com, Citibank many more.
One Click Services: - Epic browser have single services also. There you can get the latest news, sensex information, events, sports, music, movies, shopping many more.

Privacy: - Epic browser contains many feature along with privacy. This browser saves your surfing in private surfing. You can delete all the history, cookies and temporary files with a single click.
Private Browsing: - Epic Browser have the feature of private browsing also. You can browser privately without any inference. This private browsing does not store any history, cookies or temporary files on your system. This feature helps you surf privately.
It has some India’s specific Features
There are lots of India focused features on this browser.
- You can Type in any Indian Languages very easily.
- Epic offers 1500+ Indian Themes and Wallpapers.
- Epic Browser offers Latest Film Songs. Live Cricket Scores. News from a Dozen+ Leading Sources.
- Regional and Hindi Language News. Live TV. Stock Quotes. Events. Videos. Even a Daily Joke.
A Bangalore based software company has introduced this Epic browser. The browser has been created by a team of Indian engineers powered by Mozilla. Now it is available on internet.