Friday, June 3, 2011

Nokia X7 pre-orders start in the UK, shipping before the end of June

The Nokia X7 is, as of now, one of the just two upcoming smartphones that will ship with Symbian Anna on board (the other one being the E6). While we can endlessly debate whether Symbian has died already or is going to die slowly from now on, Nokia has a number of devices planned for launch and those launches are happening. And, to be honest, it’s about time. There haven’t been many Symbian handsets released in recent months.

The X7 is now on pre-order at Nokia’s own online shop in the UK, with shipping promised before the end of June (yes, that is exactly as vague as Nokia’s shipping deadlines usually are). This being Nokia, please assume that means June 30. Even so, if you pre-order now you’re less than a month away from the magical moment when you’ll be one of the first people in the UK (and the world!) to hold a smartphone running Symbian Anna. That’s got to be worth something.

Whether or not it’s worth £399 is your choice of course. That’s how much Nokia is asking to give you the X7 SIM-free. You can also get it on Pay as you go for £369, or on a variety of operator contracts that start at £25 per month. In that case, the phone will be free.