According to newly released information, the network unlike Facebook will not focus on a specific website, but rather will be offered as an optional browser extension, while an iPhone app called Loop is expected to be prominently featured with an Android app no doubt arriving at a later time.

The name Loop refers to various Loops in which different social circles (loops) can share information independently of one another.
Loops addresses the issue many users have with their accounts in which they share all their information with all of their friends, not the best scenario if you’re complaining about your job and you have a bunch of co-workers on your account.
Some analysts are pointing out that the Loop feature does mimic some of Facebook’s own features, which could anger the social networking company, however it should be mentioned that Facebook Groups, which was hastly pushed out, mimics a feature that was already underway at Google for +1.
While Google CEO Eric Schmidt has denied claims that Google will attempt to directly compete against Facebook, there will inevitably be comparisons drawn between the two company’s, regardless of the focus Google chooses to take.
If we’ve learned anything during the social network battles of the last several years, it’s that users want to share their lives and if Google can come up with a unique experience (examples:Twitter , Foursquare, Groupon) for those users, they may not take on Facebook directly, but they could create yet another cool social sharing niche.